This is artwork of my grandfather Andrey G. Lyssenko (1916-2000). Dated od 1960ths. He painted his friend- artist Peter Ruzheynikov (Krasnodar town. South of Rus). Painters together went to plen-air and painted not only landscapes or seascapes but even friend's portraits. Both of this artists-friends have some portraits of each other. I stay this painting in my own collection bectcourse i remember and keep it from time of my childhood. its membory of my granddad and his frend. Not only this proposition. I like it as event of art, as work of powerful master, as lucky, fresh impressionist painting.
Andrey G. Lyssenko, Honoured Artist of Russia. "Plen-air". 35/45 cm. oil/canvas. 1960ths.
Painting of Andrey G. Lyssenko, Honoured Artist of Russia
woooow that's a masterpiece !!!
ОтветитьУдалитьThancks, Katerina! Its one of my favorite artworks of granddad.