Great Russian Artist Ivan Bilibin "South Landscape" 1940.
Ivan Bilibin (1876-1940). Son of millitary doktor, was born in aristokratic family. Firstly he wanted to be lawyer. Hi finished Sanct-Petersburg Univresity on lawyers department.
But after that, he change his plans and went to Repin's drawing workshops where he showed exelent results.
Fame and fortune came to him after he drew serial of illustrations to Russian folk tales.
He was famous, popular. He traveled around Russia and world many times. That impressions gave good creative ideas to him.
From1925 he lived in Paris when he was lucky too. But he desided to comeback Russia (nostalgy) in 1936.
Comunists liked his art too and he was lucky that time.
He tragicaly died in I year of World war-II in siege of Leningrad from hunger (1941)...
Bilibin Artworks-
Text by artist Andrey Lyssenko